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Rohit Kumar

Technical Architect

I build software to support the creation, curation, and application of scientific knowledge.

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Frontend 🐒

🌴 HTML5 ➖ CSS3 ➖ SASS ➖ Javascript ➖ Typescript ➖ Angular ➖ React ➖ Vue ➖ Qwik ➖ Cypress ➖ Jasmin ➖ Karma ➖ Jest ➖ React Testing Library ➖ NgRx ➖ RxJs ➖ Redux ➖ Redux toolkit ➖ React Query ➖ Angular Material ➖ Material-UI ➖ Ant-Design ➖ Tailwind ➖ Figma 🌴

Backend 🙈

🌴 NodeJs ➖ MongoDB ➖ Postgres ➖ MySql ➖ NestJs ➖ Redis ➖ Kong ➖ Kafka 🌴

Essential 🦥

🌴 CI/CD ➖ Jenkins ➖ Docker ➖ Agile ➖ Scrum ➖ Github ➖ NgInx ➖ Vite ➖ Webpack 🌴

Rohit ❤️